Why aren’t they? Try: why should they?

“Why aren’t they?” I hear this question often. Why aren’t they reviewing me? Why aren’t they writing a feature story? Why aren’t they giving me a rave review? It’s easy to ask why, but only when you rephrase the question can...

Like the Mayan Calendar, but for NY theater!

I always advise that if you are looking for press impact, you need to plan your productions accordingly. Great advice, but… Not helpful. So I figured I would put together a neat calendar that gives a general landscape. Just a note–schedules are always in...

What we can learn from those cute little Meerkats

When you have a show that taps into a television craze, do you capitalize on it, or get huffy, puffy and self-righteous? I guess you guys know what side I am going to come down on, right? When the press calls and the interviews start rolling and they bring up this TV...

Season planning takes a village

Forgive the silence of the past few weeks. I was undergoing dental work that turned out to be a major time suck. But enough about my teeth! We are already starting to see season announcements for next year, and I am sure once Broadway simmers down in a few weeks,...

The sounds of silence

Tulips are poking through the ground, our clocks have sprung ahead and Spring officially kicks began on Sunday. That can only mean one thing. The crush of Broadway openings is upon us! My phone is pretty quiet and my email inbox isn’t filling up quite as fast. I...